Tuesday, June 23, 2015


Bonjour, Je suis une poupée pluche. Je m’appelle WaWa. J’étais un cadeau pour le cinquième anniversaire de Caroline. Elle était aux anges! Je n’ai pas oublié le regard de bonheur sur son visage. C’était le coup de foudre. Je suis immédiatement devenue sa poupée favorite. Elle m'a apporté partout. J’étais le premier visage qu'elle a vu quand elle se réveillait et le dernier visage qu’elle voyait avant de s’endormir. Elle se réveillait toujours à l’aube et m'apportait à la table à manger. Sa mère était toujours là à s’occuper à préparer le petit déjeuner pour la famille - son père, sa sœur cadette et elle. Pendant que sa famille était en train de manger, elle avalait un morceau de pain grillé avec du chocolat et un verre de lait. Elle mangeait toujours rapidement! Caroline partait à l’école avec sa sœur. Moi, j’attendais à la fenêtre jusqu'au retour de Caroline. En suite, son père et sa mère partaient au travail. Plus tard, sa mère retournait et préparait le souper. Le papa ramenait les deux filles vers six heures. Tout le monde s’asseyait autour de la table pour manger. Quand on était libre, Caroline et moi flânions au parc proche de sa maison. Là, elle me chuchotait des secrets. On avait une vie simple.

Malheureusement, plus le temps passait, moins je voyais  Caroline. De plus en plus souvent, elle oubliait de me mettre au lit avec elle… Un jour, je l’ai vu s’approcher. Elle m’a mise sur une boîte avec les autres vieux jouets. En ce-moment la, je me suis rendu compte qu’elle n’avait plus besoin de moi. J’étais effrayée.  Le temps passait lentement dans la boîte. Un jour, quelqu'un a ouvert la boîte. Le lumière! Mon dieu! Elle a grandi! À en juger par son visage, je pense qu’il y avait au moins quinze années que je suis restée dans la boite. Tout à coup, j’ai vu une petite fille d’environ cinq ans qui me regardait curieusement.  Je peux d’ores et déjà sentir une nouvelle époque commencer. Caroline m’a donnée à sa fille. Elle s’appelle Ashley.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

super outraged

Naked scanners in airports!!!!

We cannot allow this to become a routine! As a biomedical engineer... I am absolutely against more radiation through our bodies. This is especially more so for women!!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

east carolina uni

ITs my first time driving alone in US. stepped out from Raleigh-Durham International Airport, followed the rental car signs. The airport is huge enough that there are shuttle buses to shuttle me from the airport to the rental car site.

My first rental car. its white. its a chevrolet.. that all i know. OHOH.. it has a GPS that works not bad actually! =) Only had a small hiccup on the road. Thanks to my iphone + my gps, i was able to get back on track to East Carolina University at Greensville, NC.

On the way, i was just against the rain. =( it was chasing me alllll the way to greenville.

Anyhow, looking forward to going back tomorrow. need to sleep.

hope my meowmeow is fine...

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Boston trip

WOrk is just busy these days.. posting some boston pics that i went awhile ago... road trip =)

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Monday, May 04, 2009

Cat lux!

If this takes off.. hopefully i can send my dear pet back to sg more easily, instead of her suffering in a carry-on box and not being able to pee, stretch for long hours...=(


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Humbles me

You know, i have to admit her voice caught me off guard. One example why we should NOT judge by appearance...

Monday, April 13, 2009

cosmetic chemicals to avoid

The Dirty Dozen Chemicals in Cosmetics

September 18, 2007

Beauty is only skin deep, but the products we use to attain it contain chemicals that may penetrate far deeper. The average adult uses nine personal care products a day, with roughly 120 chemicals spread among them, many of which are incompletely tested for toxicity.

Below we've listed 12 chemicals that are best avoided. A single exposure to any of them is unlikely to cause harm, but daily exposure over a lifetime may add up. When shopping, be prepared to spend some time reading labels; even brands that advertise themselves as "natural" or "botanical" have been known to include some of these.

1. Antibacterials
Overuse of antibacterials can prevent them from effectively fighting disease-causing germs like E. coli and Salmonella enterica. Triclosan, widely used in soaps, toothpastes and deodorants, has been detected in breast milk, and one recent study found that it interferes with testosterone activity in cells. Numerous studies have found that washing with regular soap and warm water is just as effective at killing germs.

2. Coal Tar
Coal tar is a known human carcinogen used as an active ingredient in dandruff shampoos and anti-itch creams. Coal-tar-based dyes such as FD&C Blue 1, used in toothpastes, and FD&C Green 3, used in mouthwash, have been found to be carcinogenic in animal studies when injected under skin.

3. Diethanolamine (DEA)
DEA is a possible hormone disruptor, has shown limited evidence of carcinogenicity and depletes the body of choline needed for fetal brain development. DEA can also show up as a contaminant in products containing related chemicals, such as cocamide DEA.

4. 1,4-Dioxane
1,4-Dioxane is a known animal carcinogen and a possible human carcinogen that can appear as a contaminant in products containing sodium laureth sulfate and ingredients that include the terms "PEG," "-xynol," "ceteareth," "oleth" and most other ethoxylated "eth" ingredients. The FDA monitors products for the contaminant but has not yet recommended an exposure limit. Manufacturers can remove dioxane through a process called vacuum stripping, but a small amount usually remains. A 2007 survey by the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics found that most children's bath products contain 10 parts per million or less, but an earlier 2001 survey by the FDA found levels in excess of 85 parts per million.

5. Formaldehyde
Formaldehyde has a long list of adverse health effects, including immune-system toxicity, respiratory irritation and cancer in humans. Yet it still turns up in baby bath soap, nail polish, eyelash adhesive and hair dyes as a contaminant or break-down product of diazolidinyl urea, imidazolidinyl urea and quaternium compounds.

6. Fragrance
The catchall term "fragrance" may mask phthalates, which act as endocrine disruptors and may cause obesity and reproductive and developmental harm. Avoid phthalates by selecting essential-oil fragrances instead

FYI: THIS IS A FAB site... - thegreenguide.com

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Relax for the long weekend!

A friend sent this to me... very catastrophic and funny!